Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Denver man in Minn. Jail over duck beheading
By: The associated press

In Minnesota a Denver business man is being charged with animal cruelty for picking up a tame duck and ripping its head off. The police said that he was drunk. When I read this article I realized that people will do some crazy things if they are hungry. Now we have no idea what kind of service this man got at his hotel maybe he had ordered duck tough room service the last night and he had never got it so he came down the next morning and being angry that he never got his duck he decided to rip the head off a tame one. The article says that the hotel may be to blame here for not protecting the duck well enough but do you really think that the hotel thought that the a man would rip the head off of a duck if it was sitting a the lobby when they were formulating this idea of a duck pond in there head. Now people say that the hotel could have just stuck to fish of an anther type of an aquatic animal but who’s to say that this man would not rip the head off of this animals well. Would he be charged for animal cruelty for this if he rips the head off of a fish. Now I bet all of us have had a fish and forgotten to feed it then it died. Is that animal cruelty? I mean you starved the fish and then it died are you going to go to jail for that or will any one care it is just a fish. I mean come on it is just a duck sure they have feelings to but fish have the same feelings, they are both animals aren’t they. I feel his actions were a little overboard but I mean come on is it really worth two years in jail for ripping the head off of a duck. Isn’t jail were we send people who have committed real crimes who could be harmful to the community. It’s not like he ripped off a human head. So I feel that this is why two years in jail is not a worthy punishment for a man who ripped off a head of the duck. Supposedly he was drunk if you catch a man drunk driving is he sent to jail for two years, no, maybe just a day or two. Personally I feel a drunk driver is more of a threat that a drunken man ripping of duck heads.

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